Phoenix locos are UK based international distributors of high quality, affordable battery electric model locos,
rolling stock and loco bogies in 5 inch and 7.25 inch gauge that are ideal as club locos or in garden railways.

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Phoenix Locos

Low Profile Power Bogie Frequently Asked Questions

Why have you introduced the Low Profile Power Bogies to your range?

We introduced the Low Profile Power Bogies to our range because we wanted to offer an ideal foundation to your project. We wanted to create a bogie that is powerful, robust and flexible enough to fit your individual projects needs and do so in keeping with the quality you expect from Phoenix Locos products.

Is this the same bogie as the ones you use on the Titan 7 loco?

Yes it is we designed the low profile to give us the maximum space for batteries in the loco. We also use these bogies on the Geep loco.

What is the minimum radius it will negotiate?

The bogie will run around a 11ft radius, so it is equally at home on a small garden railway and the larger club tracks.

Do you fit brakes?

We fit a disc brake to all powered bogies and it is available as an extra cost option on un-powered bogies.

Why do you make un-powered bogies?

Not everyone will need two powered bogies so we offer the unpowered option to allow greater flexibility with own build projects.

Can unpowered bogies be converted to power at a later date?

Yes we took into account that this option may be required in the future, so the unpowered version use the same frames as the powered versions and can be converted quickly and easily.

The motor is situated very close to the track, is it protected against damage or ingesting dust or stones?

The design incorporates a protective steel cover around the motor and two 12v fans blowing outward provide cool air drawn from above the bogie and exhausting outward prevent dust and debris entering the motor and keep things cool.

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For all current pricing, please contact Miniture Railway Workshop