The new power bogie was designed for 5inch gauge locos and trams that require a lower overall profile to sit below the chassis.
We decided to incorporate the industry standard 150watt DC motors in order to give 300 watts of power per bogie. The motors are sealed units so they are protected from dust and water. They can be powered with 12volt or 24volt systems.
The drive train uses a steel motor sprocket and a Delrin gear on the back of the wheel. CNC wheels and axles are supported by Oilite roller bearings. Rubber compression suspension makes for a smooth ride no matter what the load.
Laser cut components ensure accuracy and alignment and true running on the track with minimum wear on wheels and bearings.
We use two of these power bogies under the 5inch gauge Comet and Project locos and the Titan 5 and Class 24 locos. They are equally at home under a tram or under a project you may have in mind for your own use or under your club loco.
The bogies are supplied fully built and tested and can be supplied in custom lengths, at additional cost, if required.
For all current pricing, please contact Miniture Railway Workshop