The classic Festiniog Railway diesel loco was created from an earlier Funkey loco which was purchased by the railway from South Africa. The Funkey had a single cab and one long bonnet. It was decided to convert this to a double ended loco with a cab at both ends. The designer Steve Coulson built the loco for the railway and was kind enough to allow us access to some of his Cad files to enable us to replicate our own version of Vale of Ffestiniog.
The model may be of narrow gauge heritage but it is big in every sense at eight feet in length and weighing 500lbs, it is a large loco in 7¼" gauge. We supply the kit with finished panels in the classic two-tone green livery currently in use on the loco. Other options are available and you will find details in the specification sheet and FAQs.
5 inch Gauge | £2,195 | |
7.25 inch Gauge | £4,995 |
All prices include VAT