Another great Guildford Rally (July 9th & 10th). The Exhibition tent was very well appointed with a superb selection of models covering all aspects of our hobby. The railway never stopped all weekend and passengers were treated to all "manor" of locos along with a few Halls, Kings, Clan Lines and some fine continental locomotives. The Gas Turbine Builders Association held regular demonstrations and came close to the replacing the awesome noise of the Sunday morning Concorde flight.
The boat pond offered a great source of amusement to the younger visitors with a "Nessie" which squirted water at the unwary onlookers. The radio controlled duck and ducklings were popular and the submarines and hovercraft kept most dads interested. The Traction Engine field was busy all weekend with a marvellous mid-afternoon parade featuring all the engines. We didn’t see very much of other traders during the day so we can only assume they were as busy as we were.
As usual there were plenty of happy smiling faces to be seen, often covered in ice cream!
We have posted a small selection of pictures to give a general view of the weekend's proceedings.
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